All characters must be 18+ years old unless applying for a sidekick, then it is upon approval. There will be no minor, adolescent, baby, child, or young teen avatars allowed otherwise.
All characters must be human in appearance with few exceptions, for instance where an alien avatar might be needed (still humanoid in appearance). The exception would also be for characters with the shape-shifting ability. However, no furries, scalies, elves(unless half human), orcs, humans with wings(unless they can be hidden), vampires, werewolves, etc.
Costumes and uniforms are allowed, of course, as some players may wish to conceal their civilian identity. Body armor is allowed for defensive and protective capabilities with the understanding that civilian armor is restricted to what is commercially available. Understand that body armor can be heavy, bulky, and limit mobility. Light weight armor is less heavy and can offer more mobility, but is less protective. Powered armor (like Iron Man) are at the discretion of the admin application approval. (don't want a bunch of iron men)
Tech levels are basically what is commercially available today, with a few exceptions thanks to the scientific advancement of companies like Elite Labs, Pierce Tech and Helix Innovations. Characters with two selected skills and resources can, through RP, develop more advanced tech so long as it has admin approval before being used (also reference our combat and weapons section). Alien tech is a thing, but it would be nearly impossible to obtain because of expense and rarity. The Elite, The Shadow Brotherhood, Pierce Tech, Northsea Crux, and Helix Innovations are the primary weapons and tech developers and so only way for criminals to get advanced weapons is through theft or by working with The Shadow Brotherhood and Pierce Tech.
All players must choose a class from which to play. These classes are: Elite (also known as the Chosen), Exohumans, Alien, Demi-god, Human
- The Chosen: are born with dormant supernatural power, given to them by Elyon, and it must be activated by an external source and by circumstance, ie. If they are given speedster abilities, their power comes from the need to move fast to save a life or survive.
- Exohumans: , are given abilities through experimentation at Pierce Tech or through a government entity, and The Shadow Brotherhood, while their power is not on the same level as The Elite, they are strong and often times dangerous.
- Alien Physiology: are often born with abilities based on their physiology, and while strong, often times they use weapons and tools unique to their species, available species at the moment are (Zoarean, Lunarian, and Kromis)
- Demi-god: are the offspring of the old gods born with power similar to their parent's. While they are not invincible, they are stronger than the world's strongest human, (Must be Custom Created, not a pre-established Demi-God from Literature.)
- Ethereal: are beings born with godlike power, while appearing humanoid, they often come from realms hidden from the mortal one, but can also be born as humans on Earth. They usually remain hidden and only interfere in threats from other worlds. (GM Role)
- Humans: can either be a normal civilian, or city official/civil servant, without special powers. However they can also be Vigilante, Anti-Hero or typical Criminal, and can have unique skills, agility, and special training.
All characters in the application process will be asked for a desired occupation, please note that your skills selection (which will be detailed in the subsequent sections) need to correspond to your desired profession or hobbies. Additional skills and/or powers will NOT be granted in this way unless otherwise stated on the app. Elite Labs, Northsea Crux and Pierce Tech staff are considered very highly trained and may be awarded an extra skill or slight bump in stats as detailed in the applications for the provided classes.
All players should make a PICK in their profile detailing skills and power levels for reference and MUST reflect the application. Changes without notification of a Mod or Admin will be voided.
If you want to play an alt, an application must be submitted for your alt as well.
Human Characters
Human characters will have NO SUPERPOWERS, during the application you process will be asked to choose four skills as explained in the GETTING STARTED/SKILLS area. If you want to be wealthy please choose RESOURCES. Having a talent does not automatically ensure success or wealth. For example, if you want to be a rich and famous rock star, then your skills should reflect this.
Every player must weigh out this balance and choose the skills that best suit their character and how they want to play them. Loopholes will not be allowed.
Humans need to look human, including eye and skin color from a reasonable and normal palette.
Dress-code is PG:13, so please maintain a well put together appearance. We may allow violence for the sake of scenes, it is important players are not too exposed, no more exposing than an episode of Young Justice.
THE ELITE or CHOSEN must select TWO powers from the powers list found in SUPERPOWERS on the website. Additional or mingling or stacking of these powers will not be permitted. We are also not currently adding powers, please do not ask.
Human Characters
Human characters will have NO SUPERPOWERS, during the application you process will be asked to choose four skills as explained in the GETTING STARTED/SKILLS area. If you want to be wealthy please choose RESOURCES. Having a talent does not automatically ensure success or wealth. For example, if you want to be a rich and famous rock star, then your skills should reflect this.
Every player must weigh out this balance and choose the skills that best suit their character and how they want to play them. Loopholes will not be allowed.
Humans need to look human, including eye and skin color from a reasonable and normal palette.
Dress-code is PG:13, so please maintain a well put together appearance. We may allow violence for the sake of scenes, it is important players are not too exposed, no more exposing than an episode of Young Justice.